Personal Video: My Marriage + Interfaith Marriage in Islam

Hey guys! I recently posted a video in response to a regular stream of questions I get from my readers. I don’t know why it took me so long to post this, I think something inside me was scared to say anything that would upset people since – spoiler alert: my views aren’t the majority Muslim opinion. But part of my New Years resolution is to be bold – and I was feeling a little extra fierce so I just did it. I realize that what I said wasn’t anything profound, but as a result I got so many emails and DM’s from girls sharing their own experiences and thanking me for doing this.  That incredible response is just making me want to do more.  So here’s my idea – let’s all keep encouraging each other to be bold, challenging old notions that don’t work for us, and support each other through difficulties we are bound to face because: life.

Watch the video to learn something I’ve never shared about myself yet on social media, and my thoughts on whether or not its ok for a Muslim woman to marry a non-Muslim guy.

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