Vegetable Gardening – Tomatoes

I found these adorable barrel planters at Menards and I thought it would be different to try to plant some tomatoes and herbs for my vegetable garden this year.

I bought tomatoes and some plant food and soil, but before I planted my veggies, a friend told me that you never plant vegetables in Chicago before Mother’s Day. That is the rule of thumb for the gardeners in the area, the last frost can still come prior to Mother’s Day.

My tomatoes have managed to survive indoors for the past month and a half. The good part about this planting delay is, I had some time to learn about composting – and below you will see my first compost related purchase. It has been surprisingly easy to compost once you figure it out. We have composted so much of our waste, I sometimes find myself wanting to take stuff home from work to compost it!

Updates on tomatoes coming up soon!

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