Video: How To Restyle Your Desi Clothes

restyle-desi-clothesI recently collaborated with DC x Asra, a South Asian Designer Consignment Shop, to share some tips on how you can reuse and restyle the South Asian clothes you have in your closet.  I think it is a lot of fun to play with clothing and just be creative and make new looks. It is what I love about Fashion – there are no rules – anything goes if you feel good in it! Watch the video below for three of my favorite tips to get the most out of your Desi clothes.

Most South Asians I know, myself included, wear an outfit once or twice and then relegate it to a separate closet or a suitcase for life. The fact that re-wear is so uncommon is why DCxAsra was formed. They have a strict standard of hygiene and only accept clothing in excellent condition, and the sell it dry cleaned and ready to wear. Many of the clothing is actually still brand new with tags.

Not only is it silly to wear something only once and keep buying and buying, but it is incredibly harmful to the planet. The Clothing Industry takes a huge toll on the environment – everything from the farming of fibers, to dyes, to labor, and especially water. Consigning some of your gently used clothes or buying second hand for yourself, is a great way to reduce your own carbon footprint.

After you watch the video, I’d love to know which look was your favorite (or least fave – you can be honest)! Or let me know if you have any other creative ways to restyle your Desi clothes.

Thanks for visiting as always! XX

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