Off Shoulder Lace + Date Night Look

I love me some off-shoulder tops, and here’s the latest in my growing collection. Loose and flowy, it was perfect to wear out to dinner over the weekend to celebrate our seven year wedding anniversary. We have been together for ten years total, which is hard for me to believe, but it is also just as hard for me to remember life before he was in it.

Here are seven of my favorite tips I’ve learned about marriage over the past seven years:

  1.  Have separate bathrooms – this one I got from the wise Todd Chrisley, of Chrisley Knows Best, a show I low-key love to watch. I know it is a good thing to feel comfortable in front of your spouse but there is something to be said about keeping a little mystery in your relationship.
  2.  Put your husband/wife first. This is especially true when you have kids, for them to understand you are a united front so they don’t cause a rift between you in an attempt to get their way – and try they will, trust me. It also goes for family, in-laws and extended family opinions should never be more important to you than your partner’s – the united front thing again.
  3. Inside Jokes – have them. Lots of them. They are especially helpful when you are really bored like on a flight or at the doctor’s office. Basically, keep things light and fun.
  4. Be sweet to each other. We are often nicer to strangers than our own loved ones because we take their existence for granted, and that’s not only wrong but it is a miserable way to live. Kiss goodnight, listen to each other, do nice things for one another.
  5. Don’t sweat the small things – like the messy closet or the toilet seat being up. Nobody is perfect. As long as the good stuff outweighs the bad, you are good.
  6. Get a life. Of your own, that is. Don’t expect your spouse to ‘complete you’ – you should already be complete on your own. Get a hobby, a job, immerse yourself in something you love, or just be content with yourself as-is. It makes you a much happier person.
  7. Finally, keep the spark alive. Make your date nights a priority, even when life is so busy that you don’t even have time to call a sitter. Force yourself to, you are almost always guaranteed to be glad you did. (I say almost because the first time we did a date night after Adam was born, we spent the entire time talking about him and missing him, wondering what he was doing, and then calling to check on him. Total first-time parent problems!) off-shoulder-top-chanel-boybaublebar-crispin vince-camuto-off-shoulder-top-levis-jeansTop | Pants | Earrings | Shoes | Bag

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